Video Library

View our store of instructional and informational videos to help you make decisions about the renewal, renovation, and construction of your wood transportation structures.

Historic Covered Bridges Security

2012 | USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab; FHWA


Glue-Laminated Timber Stringer Bridges

2012 | USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab


Glued-Laminated Timber Longitudinal Decks

2011 | USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab


Glued-Laminated Timber Stress-Lam Decks

2011 | USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab


Modern Timber Bridges - An Attractive Option

2008 | Alabama Forestry Commission

Modern Timber Bridges – An Attractive Option

(Note: this video may not play in the browser, but you can download it to play).

Spanning Time: America's Covered Bridges

2004 | Eugene Brancolini, Indiana University

This video is available to purchase on DVD from the Indiana University Press

Spanning Time: America’s Covered Bridges explores the affection Americans have for covered bridges. The show looks at preservation efforts, history, construction, tourism and why covered bridges are important.

The program contains interviews with preservationists, engineers, builders, restoration experts, tourists, historians and covered bridge aficionados. Because the bridges are often located on rural roads, viewers can enjoy incredible scenery from around the country.