Glue-Laminated Timber: Stress-Lam Decks
Forest Products Lab, (2011). "Glue-Laminated Timber: Stress-Lam Decks," USDA, Forest Service.
Glue-Laminated Timber: Longitudinal Decks
Forest Products Lab, (2011). "Glue-Laminated Timber: Longitudinal Decks," USDA, Forst Service.
Glue-Laminated Timber Stringer Bridges
(2012). "Glue-Laminated Timber Stringer Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of a Security Manual for Historic Covered Bridges
(2012). "Development of a Security Manual for Historic Covered Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab; FHWA, Madison, WI.
A Softwood Lumber Sawmill Approach to Low-Quality Hardwoods (4 MB)
Fournier, R., (2010). "A Softwood Lumber Sawmill Approach to Low-Quality Hardwoods," SmallWood 2010 Jan-40, HewSaw Machines, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Traditional Hardwood Market Structure – Opportunities for Small Producers (644 KB)
Cassens, D., (2010). "Traditional Hardwood Market Structure – Opportunities for Small Producers," SmallWood 2010 19-Jan, Dept. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Timber Railroad Bridges (2 MB)
Phares, B., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (2010). "Timber Railroad Bridges," SmallWood 2010 30-Jan, National Center for Wood Transportation Structures, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Minnesota Timber Bridge Construction – A County Perspective (6 MB)
Brashaw, B., Hemmila, M., (2010). "Minnesota Timber Bridge Construction – A County Perspective," SmallWood 2010 Jan-51, Natural Resources Research Institute, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Kiln Drying Basics for the Small Producer (3 MB)
Denig, J., (2010). "Kiln Drying Basics for the Small Producer," SmallWood 2010 Jan-37, Wood Products Extension, NC State University, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Ponderosa Pine Glulam Bridges in Arizona (5 MB)
Hislop, L., (2010). "Ponderosa Pine Glulam Bridges in Arizona," SmallWood 2010 Jan-35, USDA, Forest Service, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
New Structural Products from Small-Diameter Pine Trees (535 KB)
Jones, P., Seale, R., Shmulsky, R., (2010). "New Structural Products from Small-Diameter Pine Trees," SmallWood 2010 13-Jan, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program (4 MB)
Duwadi, S., (2010). "National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program," SmallWood 2010 FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Use of Red Pine for Stress-Laminated Glulam Bridges in Wisconsin (4 MB)
Wacker, J., (2010). "Use of Red Pine for Stress-Laminated Glulam Bridges in Wisconsin," SmallWood 2010 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Timtek: A Developing New Material for Bridges: Steam-Pressed Scrim Lumber (SPSL) (17 MB)
Amburgey, T., Barnes, H., Kitchens, S., Seale, R., (2010). "Timtek: A Developing New Material for Bridges: Steam-Pressed Scrim Lumber (SPSL)," SmallWood 2010 Jan-49, Forest Products Department, Mississippi State University, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Field Testing and Evaluation of a Demonstration Timber Bridge (3 MB)
Hosteng, T., (2010). "Field Testing and Evaluation of a Demonstration Timber Bridge," Structures Congress 2010 30-Jan, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Suspension Trail Bridges Using Sustainable Materials (3 MB)
Miller, B., (2010). "Suspension Trail Bridges Using Sustainable Materials," SmallWood 2010 Jan-48, HDR Engineering, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Wood Use for Energy – Experiences and Perspectives (920 KB)
Rakos, C., Voyles, S., (2010). "Wood Use for Energy – Experiences and Perspectives," SmallWood 2010 Jan-32, proPellets Austria; Pellet Fuels Institute, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Hickory – Problems or Opportunities (393 KB)
Patterson, D., (2010). "Hickory – Problems or Opportunities," SmallWood 2010 22-Jan, Arkansas Forest Resources Center, University of Arkansas, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The Year at a Glance (360 KB)
Caldwell, D., (2010). "The Year at a Glance," SmallWood 2010 Hardwood Market Report, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The Use of Eastern Cottonwood for Stress-Laminated Sawn Lumber Bridges in Iowa (2 MB)
Hilbrich Lee, P., Ritter, M., (2010). "The Use of Eastern Cottonwood for Stress-Laminated Sawn Lumber Bridges in Iowa," SmallWood 2010 Jan-50, Smith Structural Engineers; Forest Products Laboratory, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Have Mill Will Travel: The Mobile HewSaw Demonstration (4 MB)
Dramm, J., Hamel, R., Mace, T., Vaagen, R., (2010). "Have Mill Will Travel: The Mobile HewSaw Demonstration," SmallWood 2010 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Portable Timber Bridge Systems for Temporary Stream Crossings (4 MB)
Brodbeck, C., Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (2010). "Portable Timber Bridge Systems for Temporary Stream Crossings," SmallWood 2010 Center for Bioenergy & Bioproducts, Auburn University, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Ritter, M., (2010). "A Historical Review of the 15-Year U.S. Forest Service Timber Bridge Program from a Research/Technical Perspective," SmallWood 2010 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Bridge Monitoring – Security and Smart Bridges (3 MB)
Phares, B., Ritter, M., (2010). "Bridge Monitoring – Security and Smart Bridges," SmallWood 2010 22-Jan, National Center for Wood Transportation Structures, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The New Market Reality: Strategic Factors for U.S. Hardwoods in the Coming Decade (3 MB)
Irland, L., (2010). "The New Market Reality: Strategic Factors for U.S. Hardwoods in the Coming Decade," SmallWood 2010 The Irland Group, Yale University, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Cesa, E., (2010). "A Historical Review of the 15-Year U.S. Forest Service Timber Bridge Program from a Utilization Perspective," SmallWood 2010 USDA, Forest Service, Wood Education & Resource Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Crash System Development and Testing of Round Guardrail Posts (2 MB)
Faller, R., Hascall, J., Kretschmann, D., Reid, W., Sicking, D., (2010). "Crash System Development and Testing of Round Guardrail Posts," SmallWood 2010 20-Jan, Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
FRP-Reinforced Glulam Bridges: Development and Implementation (1 MB)
Dagher, H., Davids, W., Lindyberg, R., Lopez-Andio, R., (2010). "FRP-Reinforced Glulam Bridges: Development and Implementation," SmallWood 2010 Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Maine, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Bridge Durability and Preservative Issues (3 MB)
Clausen, C., Lebow, S., (2010). "Bridge Durability and Preservative Issues," SmallWood 2010 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Financial Condition of Loggers in Arkansas (2 MB)
Pelkki, M., (2010). "Financial Condition of Loggers in Arkansas," SmallWood 2010 Arkansas Forest Resrouces Center, University of Arkansas, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Laboratory investigations of cross-laminated decks for bridge applications
Dahlberg, J., Rammer, D., Wacker, J., (2023). "Laboratory investigations of cross-laminated decks for bridge applications," Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering. 19-22 June, 2023. Oslo, Norway. pp. 244-250.
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Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering Volume II
Forest Products Research Society, (1988). "Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering Volume II," International Conference on Timber Engineering 1988.
Deza, T., Phares, B., Wipf, T., (2011). "Evaluation of Techniques for Embedding and Attaching Fiber Bragg Grading Sensors to Glulam Bridge Members," Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Development of Seismic Performance Factors for Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls (558 KB)
Rammer, D., Van de Lindt, J., (2018). "Development of Seismic Performance Factors for Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls," RIP-4719-039 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Highway Bridges: A National Study
Brashaw, B., Hosteng, T., Wacker, J., (2011). "Field Performance of Timber Highway Bridges: A National Study."
Design and Construction of a Glued-Laminated Timber Girder Bridge on GRS Abutments
Buchanan County, Iowa, (2015). "Design and Construction of a Glued-Laminated Timber Girder Bridge on GRS Abutments," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of a Smart Timber Bridge – Phase V: Development of a Vehicle Characterization System
Hosteng, T., Phares, B., Wacker, J., (2012). "Development of a Smart Timber Bridge – Phase V: Development of a Vehicle Characterization System," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Performance Monitoring of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutment Timber Bridges (1 MB)
Hosteng, T., Wacker, J., (2015). "Performance Monitoring of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutment Timber Bridges," 4719-029 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Cost-Competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long-Term Performance
Hosteng, T., Litman, J., Smith, M., Wacker, J., (2016). "Cost-Competitive Timber Bridge Designs for Long-Term Performance," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Comparative Analysis of Design Codes for Timber Bridges in Canada, the United States, and Europe (461 KB)
Groenier, J., Wacker, J., (2010). "Comparative Analysis of Design Codes for Timber Bridges in Canada, the United States, and Europe," Transportation Research Record, 2200, 163-168.
Development and Integration of Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS (9 MB)
Brashaw, B., Hosteng, T., Wacker, J., (2013). "Development and Integration of Advanced Timber Bridge Inspection Techniques for NBIS."
Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-BuiltRecords of the Zumbrota Covered Bridge (3 MB)
Anderson, S., Brashaw, B., (2011). "Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-BuiltRecords of the Zumbrota Covered Bridge," NRRI/TR-20011/04 Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Duluth, MN.
Green III, F., (2013). "Early Detection and Eradication of Termite Infestations Destructive to Covered Bridge Structures Using Acoustic Emission," RIP-4723-019 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Improved Understanding of Moisture Effects on Outdoor Wood-Adhesive Bondlines (347 KB)
Jakes, J., (2013). "Improved Understanding of Moisture Effects on Outdoor Wood-Adhesive Bondlines," RIP-4703-005 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Improved Ratings for Covered Bridges through Load Testing, Phase II (282 KB)
Phares, B., Wacker, J., (2013). "Improved Ratings for Covered Bridges through Load Testing, Phase II," RIP-4719-017 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Improved Modeling of Historic Covered Bridges, Phase IIU (418 KB)
Fanous, F., Rammer, D., (2013). "Improved Modeling of Historic Covered Bridges, Phase IIU," RIP-4719-018 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Laboratory Evaluation of Advanced NDE Inspection Tools for Historic Covered Bridges (229 KB)
Jalinoos, F., Wacker, J., (2013). "Laboratory Evaluation of Advanced NDE Inspection Tools for Historic Covered Bridges," RIP-4719-020 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Corrosion of Fasteners in Wood Treated with Newer Wood Preservatives
Zelinka, S., (2013). "Corrosion of Fasteners in Wood Treated with Newer Wood Preservatives," FPL-GTR-220 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Blodget, A., Clausen, C., Kirker, G., Lebow, P., (2013). "Evaluating Naturally Durable Wood Species for Repair and Rehabilitation of Above-Ground Components of Covered Bridges," FPL-GTR-224 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-Built Records of Historic Covered Bridges (17 MB)
Anderson, S., Brashaw, B., Vatalaro, R., (2012). "Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-Built Records of Historic Covered Bridges," FPL-RP-669 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Covered Bridge Security Manual
Hosteng, T., Phares, B., Sievers, R., Wipf, T., (2013). "Covered Bridge Security Manual," FPL-GTR-223 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Species Identification and Design Value Estimation of Wooden Members in Covered Bridges (5 MB)
Kretschmann, D., Wiedenhoeft, A., (2014). "Species Identification and Design Value Estimation of Wooden Members in Covered Bridges," FPL-GTR-228 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of a Smart Timber Bridge – Phase IV: Development of Data Processing Techniques for Determining Changes in Structural Stiffness
Hosteng, T., Phares, B., Wacker, J., (2011). "Development of a Smart Timber Bridge – Phase IV: Development of Data Processing Techniques for Determining Changes in Structural Stiffness."
Design and Demonstration of a Timber Bridge with Improved Deck Details: Phase II
Hosteng, T., Ritter, M., Williams, C., (2012). "Design and Demonstration of a Timber Bridge with Improved Deck Details: Phase II."
National Center for Wood Transportation Structures – Phase IV
Hosteng, T., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (2015). "National Center for Wood Transportation Structures – Phase IV," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of Cost-Effective Timber Bridge Repair Techniques for Minnesota
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Vehicular Railing Systems for Timber Bridges: A Program Overview
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Evaluation of Fleet Management Techniques for Timber Highway Bridges
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Crashworthy Railing Systems for Timber Bridge Decks
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Study Plan: Development of Vehicular Railing Systems for Timber Bridge Decks by Full-Scale Crash Testing
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Guardrail Transitions
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Journal of Forestry
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Glued-Laminated Timber Bridge Installation Videos (250 KB)
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Live Load Distribution on Longitudinal Glued-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges (1 MB)
Fanous, F., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., (2010). "Live Load Distribution on Longitudinal Glued-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges," FPL-GTR-194, 17, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Live-Load Distribution on Glue-Laminated Timber Girder Bridges (4 MB)
Fanous, F., May, J., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., (2011). "Live-Load Distribution on Glue-Laminated Timber Girder Bridges," FPL-GTR-197 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: A National Study (1 MB)
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Portable Crossings for Forest Roads and Skid Trails
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Performance Level 1 Bridge Railings for Timber Decks
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Guide for In-Place Treatment of Wood in Historic Covered and Modern Bridges
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Portable Timber Bridge Systems for Forest Roads
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Bending Tests of Bridge Deck Planks (651 KB)
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Holzbrucken in der Steiermark
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Wettbewerb Wohnbau Frojach
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Die Innovation im Holzbau
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Award Winning Timber Bridges
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Forest Products Laboratory Business Plan : Progress Through Partnerships
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Tackle Climate Change – Use Wood
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Hybrid Timber Bridge Instructional Program: Deck Replacement Using Glulam Timber Panels on Steel I-Beams
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An Overview of Research and Application of Stress Laminated Timber Bridge Decks in Australia
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The National Timber Bridge Initiative – 1990
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Award Winning Timber Bridges – 1995
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Timber Bridges – 1992 Award Winners
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Fundamental Research and Development of Cellular Stress Laminated Timber Bridge Decks for Short to Medium Span Bridges
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Timber a Functional, Aesthetic Success
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Strength Testing of Small Clear Samples from Timber Bridge Girders
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The Wood In Transportation Program – 1996
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The National Timber Bridge Initiative – 1993
United States Department of Agriculture, (1993). "The National Timber Bridge Initiative – 1993," 14, USDA.
The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1992
United States Department of Agriculture, (1992). "The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1992," USDA.
The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1991
United States Department of Agriculture, (1991). "The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1991," USDA.
The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1990
United States Department of Agriculture, (1990). "The Timber Bridge Initiative – 1990," USDA.
Wood in Transportation Program – 2000
Cesa, E., Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., (2000). "Wood in Transportation Program – 2000," Transportation Research Record 310-315, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
National Wood In Transportation Program, 1999
United States Department of Agriculture, (1999). "National Wood In Transportation Program, 1999," 23, USDA.
National Wood In Transportation Program, 2001
United States Department of Agriculture, (2001). "National Wood In Transportation Program, 2001," 26, USDA.
Wood: Engineering Design Concepts
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Crossings, Issue 34 (419 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1999). "Crossings, Issue 34," 34 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Recent research on shear strength in wood beams (230 KB)
McLean, D., Rammer, D., (1996). "Recent research on shear strength in wood beams," Proceedings of the international wood engineering conference, Vol. 2, 96-103, Civil/Environmental E. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Wind and Seismic Effects: Proceedings of the 36th Joint Panel Meeting
(2004). "Wind and Seismic Effects: Proceedings of the 36th Joint Panel Meeting," U.S.-Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects 36th Joint Meeting, NIST Special Publication 1027, 1-340, NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington, DC.
Ritter, M., Wipf, T., (2010). "Literature Review and Assessment of Nanotechnology for Remote Sensing of Wood Transportation Structures," RIP 3333 014 07 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
9th World Conference on Timber Engineering
(2006). "9th World Conference on Timber Engineering," World Conference on Timber Engineering 2006 1-421, WCTE, Portland, OR.
Safer Bridge Railings, Vol. I Summary Report
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Standard Plans for Timber Highway Structures (96 KB)
Lee, P., Wacker, J., (1996). "Standard Plans for Timber Highway Structures," National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, FPL-GTR-94, 344-350, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 20 (5 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1995). "Crossings, Issue 20," 20 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Durability in stress laminated timber bridges
Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (1994). "Durability in stress laminated timber bridges," PTEC 94 Timber shaping the future: Proceedings of Pacific timber industry conference; 1994 July 11- 15; Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 1, 686-694, Timber Research and Development Advisory Council, Queensland, Australia.
Crossings, Issue 43 (363 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2002). "Crossings, Issue 43," 43 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Inspection of Bridge Timber Piling: Operations and Analaysis Manual
Aggour, M., (1989). "Inspection of Bridge Timber Piling: Operations and Analaysis Manual," FHWA-IP-89-017 Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA.
New opportunities for mechanical grading of lumber
Green, D., (1997). "New opportunities for mechanical grading of lumber," Wood Design Focus, Vol 8(2), 21-24, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Salt Storage Facility: Cedar County, Iowa
Russell, K., (1998). "Salt Storage Facility: Cedar County, Iowa," NA-TP-04-98 USDA, Forest Service, WIT, Morgantown, WV.
Crossings, Issue 14 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1993). "Crossings, Issue 14," 14 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Effect of preservative treatment on bar force in stress-laminated bridge decks (143 KB)
Kadnar, J., Kainz, J., Ritter, M., Yazdani, N., (1996). "Effect of preservative treatment on bar force in stress-laminated bridge decks," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 245-251, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Preservative treatment of Red Maple (121 KB)
Abdullah, N., De Groot, R., Herdman, D., Smith, W., (1996). "Preservative treatment of Red Maple," Forest Products Journal, 46(3), 35-41, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI.
Initial tests of Kevlar prestressed timber beams (189 KB)
Dolan, J., Fogstad, C., Galloway, T., Puckett, J., (1996). "Initial tests of Kevlar prestressed timber beams," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 215-224, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Determining the length of timber piles in transportation structures (80 KB)
Anthony, R., Pandey, A., (1996). "Determining the length of timber piles in transportation structures," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 270-276, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 12 (5 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1993). "Crossings, Issue 12," 12 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Wood In Transportation Program – An Overview (162 KB)
Cesa, E., Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., (2000). "Wood In Transportation Program – An Overview," Transportation Research Record, 1696, 310-315.
Corrosion protection of steel hardware used in modern timber bridges
Davalos, J., Petro, S., (1993). "Corrosion protection of steel hardware used in modern timber bridges," FHWA-RD-92-044 Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA.
The Federal Highway Administration Timber Bridge Program (103 KB)
Duwadi, S., Wood, D., (1996). "The Federal Highway Administration Timber Bridge Program," National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, FPL-GTR-94, 333-339, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Bridge Inspection and Structural Analysis (Handbook of Bridge Inspection)
Park, S., (1980). "Bridge Inspection and Structural Analysis (Handbook of Bridge Inspection)," 1-312 Trenton, NJ.
Hoblitt Lane/West Fork Bass Creek Bridge, Ravalli County, Montana (101 KB)
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Load Test of Wood Bridge
Johnson, D., (1979). "Load Test of Wood Bridge," 4-0997 St Regis Paper Company, St Louis Park, MN.
Improved Ratings for Covered Bridges by Load Testing (1 MB)
Phares, B., Wacker, J., (2009). "Improved Ratings for Covered Bridges by Load Testing," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
AASHTO to publish stress-laminated deck design criteria
Ritter, M., (1990). "AASHTO to publish stress-laminated deck design criteria," Wood Design Focus, 1(3):2 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Effects of Water Flow Rate and Temperatureon Leaching From Creosote-Treated Wood (447 KB)
Morrell, J., Simonsen, J., Xiao, Y., (2002). "Effects of Water Flow Rate and Temperatureon Leaching From Creosote-Treated Wood," FPL-RN-0286 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Evaluation of timber bridges using stress wave technology – Vol. 1
Falk, R., Pellerin, R., Ross, R., Volny, N., (1994). "Evaluation of timber bridges using stress wave technology – Vol. 1," PTEC 94 Timber shaping the future: Proceedings of Pacific timber engineering conference; 1994 July 11-15; Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 1, 458-464, Timber Research and Development Advisory Council, Queensland, Australia.
Timber bridge wearing surfaces
Ritter, M., Weller, C., (1988). "Timber bridge wearing surfaces," Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering; 1988 September 19-22; Seattle, WA, Vol. 1, 765-776, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
LRFD design for wood bridges
Ritter, M., Williamson, T., (1991). "LRFD design for wood bridges," Structures Congress 1991: compact papers; 9th Structures Congress proceedings; 1991 April 29; Indianapolis, IN 482-485, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Performance of steel, concrete, prestressed concrete and timber bridges (190 KB)
Hatfield, C., Stanfill-McMillan, K., (1994). "Performance of steel, concrete, prestressed concrete and timber bridges," Developments in short and medium span bridge engineering '94: Proceedings of bridge management; 1994 August 8-11; Halifax, Nova Scotia 341-354, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Canada.
Standard Plans for Timber Bridge Superstructures (13 MB)
Smith, M., Wacker, J., (2001). "Standard Plans for Timber Bridge Superstructures," FPL-GTR-125 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Dynamic response of stress-laminated-deck bridges (631 KB)
Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., Wijesooriya, C., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (1995). "Dynamic response of stress-laminated-deck bridges," Proceedings of 4th International bridge engineering conference; 1995 August 28-30; San Francisco, CA, Vol. 2, 381-394, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Structural dynamic performance of longitudial panel deck timber bridges
Carpenter, J., (1997). "Structural dynamic performance of longitudial panel deck timber bridges," 1-133, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Methods for assessing the field performance of stress-laminated timber bridges (67 KB)
Geske, E., Mason, L., McCutcheon, W., Moody, R., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1991). "Methods for assessing the field performance of stress-laminated timber bridges," Proceedings of the 1991 International timber engineering conference; 1991 September 2-5; London, United Kingdom, Vol. 3: 3.319-3.326 TRADA, London, United Kingdom.
Local Bridge No. 5-1, Allegany County, New York (218 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Local Bridge No. 5-1, Allegany County, New York."
Strength of log stringers after several year’s use in southeast Alaska (58 KB)
Eslyn, W., Moody, R., Muchmore, F., Tuomi, R., (1979). "Strength of log stringers after several year’s use in southeast Alaska," FPL-RP-346 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Plans for Crash-Tested Bridge Railings for Longitudinal Wood Decks (7 MB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Lee, P., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1995). "Plans for Crash-Tested Bridge Railings for Longitudinal Wood Decks," FPL-GTR-87 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Stress laminated timber bridge decks: prototype project
Dimakis, A., Oliva, M., Ritter, M., (1988). "Stress laminated timber bridge decks: prototype project," Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Timber Engineering; 1988 September 19-22; Seattle, WA 645-649, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Nondestructive testing for assessing wood members in structures: A review (459 KB)
Pellerin, R., Ross, R., (1994). "Nondestructive testing for assessing wood members in structures: A review," FPL-GTR-70 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Yield of 2 by 4 red oak stress-graded dimension lumber from factory-grade logs
McDonald, K., Whipple, J., (1992). "Yield of 2 by 4 red oak stress-graded dimension lumber from factory-grade logs," Forest Products Journal, 42(6).
Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook
Hesselbarth, W., Vachowski, B., (1996). "Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook," 9623-2833-MTDC, 1-139, USDA, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, Missoula, MT.
Efficient utilization of hardwoods for timber bridges
Hassler, C., Hawkins, J., Moody, R., Pahl, T., Slahor, J., (1992). "Efficient utilization of hardwoods for timber bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
The performance of glued laminated beams manufactured from machine stress graded norwegian spruce
Aasheim, E., Falk, R., Solli, K., (1992). "The performance of glued laminated beams manufactured from machine stress graded norwegian spruce," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
National cost study of timber bridges (102 KB)
Orr, B., Sowards, G., Stanfill-McMillan, K., Wang, J., (1996). "National cost study of timber bridges," National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, FPL-GTR-94, 480-489, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Structural wood products
Moody, R., Ritter, M., (1990). "Structural wood products," Serviceability and durability of construction materials: Proceedings of 1st materials engineering congress; 1990 August 13-15; Denver, CO, Vol. 1, 41-52, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Crossings, Issue 8 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1992). "Crossings, Issue 8," 8 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 4 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1991). "Crossings, Issue 4," 4 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation
Buba, J., Clemena, G., Cook, J., Holt, F., Hughes, D., Hyman, W., Kamp, G., Knorr, R., Kogut, G., Koretzky, H., LeDoux, F., Levine, A., Linfante, A., Manning, D., Patel, N., Purvis, R., Roenker, D., Sprinkel, M., Wass, G., (1983). "Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation," 899 Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Efficient utilization of red maple lumber in glued-laminated timber beams (293 KB)
Blankenhorn, P., Hernandez, R., Janowiak, J., Labosky Jr., P., Manbeck, H., Moody, R., (1995). "Efficient utilization of red maple lumber in glued-laminated timber beams," FLP-RP-41 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Timber bridges in Central Europe, yesterday, today, tomorrow (27 KB)
Meierhoefer, U., (1996). "Timber bridges in Central Europe, yesterday, today, tomorrow," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPl-GTR-94, 22-26, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Hardwoods for Timber Bridges: A National Program Emphasis by the US Forest Service
Cesa, E., Wacker, J., (2005). "Hardwoods for Timber Bridges: A National Program Emphasis by the US Forest Service," Wood Design Focus, Summer 2005 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
National Wood In Transportation Program, 1999
Cesa, E., Ritter, M., (1999). "National Wood In Transportation Program, 1999," USDA, Forest Service, Morgantown, WV.
Field performance of timber bridges: 8. Lynches Woods Park stress-laminated deck bridge (13 MB)
Conger, D., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1996). "Field performance of timber bridges: 8. Lynches Woods Park stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-551 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
County Bridge #3, Greene County, Pennsylvania (559 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "County Bridge #3, Greene County, Pennsylvania."
Integrated remedial protection of wood in bridges
Freitag, C., Love, C., Morrell, J., (1996). "Integrated remedial protection of wood in bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 445-454, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Bridge No. 1, Coshocton County, Ohio (345 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Bridge No. 1, Coshocton County, Ohio."
Crossings, Issue 1 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1990). "Crossings, Issue 1," 1 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Portable Timber Bridges: An Eco-friendly Solution for Stream Crossings
Russell, K., (1997). "Portable Timber Bridges: An Eco-friendly Solution for Stream Crossings," NA-TP-01-97 USDA, Forest Service, Morgantown, WV.
Crossings, Issue 29 (94 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1998). "Crossings, Issue 29," 29 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures – 1996 (196 KB)
Duwadi, S., Lee, P., Ritter, M., (1996). "National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures – 1996," FPL-GTR-94 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 22 (140 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1996). "Crossings, Issue 22," 22 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Stress-laminated wood bridge decks: experimental and analytical evaluations
Dimakis, A., Oliva, M., Ritter, M., Tuomi, R., (1990). "Stress-laminated wood bridge decks: experimental and analytical evaluations," FPL-RP-495 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Local Bridge No. 25-8, Allegany County, New York (192 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Local Bridge No. 25-8, Allegany County, New York."
Factors Influencing Timber Bridge Performance (56 KB)
Kainz, J., Stanfill-McMillan, K., (1995). "Factors Influencing Timber Bridge Performance," Structures Congress 1995: Restructuring: America and beyond: Proceedings of Structures Congress 13; 1995 April 2- 5; Boston, MA, Vol. 1, 294-297, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Pile Foundations
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Crossings, Issue 25 (157 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1997). "Crossings, Issue 25," 25 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Adhesive bonding of pultruded fiber-reinforced plastic to wood
Davalos, J., Gardner, D., Munipalle, U., (1994). "Adhesive bonding of pultruded fiber-reinforced plastic to wood," Forest Products Journal, 44(5), 62-66.
Stress Wave Inspection of Bridge Timbers and Decking
Hoyle, Jr., R., Rutherford, P., (1987). "Stress Wave Inspection of Bridge Timbers and Decking," WA-RD 146.1, 1-156, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington.
Design and field performance of a metal-plate-connected wood truss bridge (67 KB)
Lewis, S., Ritter, M., Triche, M., Wolfe, R., (1994). "Design and field performance of a metal-plate-connected wood truss bridge," Structures Congress 1994: Structures Congress 12: Proceedings of papers presented at the structures congress '94; 1994 April 24-28; Atlanta, GA, Vol. 2, 1310-1315, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Timber bridges – a rebirth
Moody, R., (1994). "Timber bridges – a rebirth," Woodland Manage, 15(4), 18-20.
Working for Rural America: Wood Double-Diffusion Treatment Plant
Kilborn, K., Russell, K., (1997). "Working for Rural America: Wood Double-Diffusion Treatment Plant," WIT-05-97 USDA, Forest Service, WIT, Morgantown, WV.
Two Test Level 4 Bridge Railing and Transition Systems for Transverse Timber Deck Bridges
Faller, R., Fowler, M., Keller, E., Polivka, K., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (2002). "Two Test Level 4 Bridge Railing and Transition Systems for Transverse Timber Deck Bridges," FP-95-RJVA-2630, 1-493, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Cold Temperature Effects on Stress-Laminated Timber Bridges (142 KB)
Erickson, R., Seavey, R., Wacker, J., (1996). "Cold Temperature Effects on Stress-Laminated Timber Bridges," National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, FPL-GTR-94, 232-238, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Design of wood highway sound barriers (1 MB)
Bernecker, C., Boothby, T., Burroughs, C., Cegelka, S., Grgurevich, S., Lee, D., Lee, P., Manbeck, H., Ritter, M., (2001). "Design of wood highway sound barriers," FPL-RP-596 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
The Truss-Framed System For Residential And Light Commercial Buildings
Tuomi, R., (1980). "The Truss-Framed System For Residential And Light Commercial Buildings," Southern Lumberman, 12/15/80 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Plans for crash-tested wood bridge railings for concrete decks (233 KB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Hilbrich Lee, P., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1998). "Plans for crash-tested wood bridge railings for concrete decks," FPL-GTR-108 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Effect of cold temperatures on stress-laminated timber decks (93 KB)
Kainz, J., Ritter, M., (1998). "Effect of cold temperatures on stress-laminated timber decks," World Conference on Timber Engineering 1998: 5th World Conference, Vol. 2, 42-49, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Effectiveness of Glued-Laminated Components in Strengthening Timber Bridges (129 KB)
Otter, D., Ritter, M., Rogers, P., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (1997). "Effectiveness of Glued-Laminated Components in Strengthening Timber Bridges," Technology Digest, TD 97(026) AARR Technology Department.
From Tree to Track: The Crosstie Production Process
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Quality Assurance and Inspection Manual for Timber Bridges
Brokaw, J., Davalos, J., Dickson, B., Wolcott, M., (1992). "Quality Assurance and Inspection Manual for Timber Bridges," SS-046, 216, Constructed Facilities Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Development of a Smart Timber Bridge Phase II: Integration of Sensors into Glued-Laminated Beams (569 KB)
Phares, B., Wacker, J., (2007). "Development of a Smart Timber Bridge Phase II: Integration of Sensors into Glued-Laminated Beams," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Strengthening Historic Covered Bridges to Carry Modern Traffic (66 KB)
(2007). "Strengthening Historic Covered Bridges to Carry Modern Traffic," TechBrief, FHWA-HRT-07-041, 4-Jan, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA.
Load Testing and Rehabilitation of the Sioux Narrows Bridge
Taylor, R., (1987). "Load Testing and Rehabilitation of the Sioux Narrows Bridge," SRR-86-04, 1-180, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Downsview, Ontario.
Crossings, Issue 16 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1994). "Crossings, Issue 16," 16 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Slope Stability in Road Construction: A Guide to the Construction of Stable Roads in Western Oregon and Northern California
Burroughs, C., Chalfant, G., Townsend, M., (1976). "Slope Stability in Road Construction: A Guide to the Construction of Stable Roads in Western Oregon and Northern California," 1-102, Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office, Portland, OR.
Nondestructive Assessment of Timber Bridges Using a Vibration Method
Brashaw, B., Ross, R., Vatalaro, R., Wacker, J., Wang, X., (2005). "Nondestructive Assessment of Timber Bridges Using a Vibration Method," Structures Congress 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 Structures Congress, April 20-24 ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1995). "Field performance of timber bridges: 3. Birchlog Run and Tumbling Rock Run stress-laminated deck bridges," FPL-RP-538 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Zelinka, S., (2009). "Corrosion of Fasteners in Wood Treated with Newer Wood Preservatives for Potential Rehabilitation of Covered Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Upgrading Safety Performance in Retrofitting Traffic Railing Systems
Bronstad, M., Michie, J., (1976). "Upgrading Safety Performance in Retrofitting Traffic Railing Systems," FHWA-RD-77-40 FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research & Development, Washington, DC.
Crossings, Issue 6 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1991). "Crossings, Issue 6," 6 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Keller, R., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (2001). "Development of Two Test Level 2 Bridge Railings and Transitions for Use on Transverse Glue-Laminated Deck Bridges," Transportation Research Record 1743, Paper No. 01-0378 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Variability in Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood (711 KB)
Cooper, P., Lebow, P., Lebow, S., (2004). "Variability in Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood," FLP-RP-620 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 5 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1991). "Crossings, Issue 5," 5 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Portable T-Section Glulam Timber Bridge Modules: Modeling and Performance
Franklin, J., Morgan, P., Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (2001). "Portable T-Section Glulam Timber Bridge Modules: Modeling and Performance," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Wood in Infrastructure: Analysis of research needs and goals (422 KB)
Moody, R., Ritter, M., (1997). "Wood in Infrastructure: Analysis of research needs and goals," Wood Engineering in the 21st Century: Research Needs and Goals 96-108, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, Portland, OR.
Span Designs for Constructing Temporary Log-Stringer Bridges in Ontario
Bradley, A., Krag, R., (1990). "Span Designs for Constructing Temporary Log-Stringer Bridges in Ontario," SR-64 Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada, Vancouver, B.C..
Drewniane Mosty Sprezone
Kwasniewski, L., Maliszkiewicz, P., Nowak, A., Ritter, M., (1999). "Drewniane Mosty Sprezone," Inzynieria I Budownictwo, 9'99, 495-498 Warsaw, Poland.
Timber Tied Arch Bridge on City Roadway
Hasebe, K., Horie, Y., Usuki, S., (1990). "Timber Tied Arch Bridge on City Roadway," International Timber Engineering Conference 1990 431-438, International Timber Engineering Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Timber Bridges in Southern Iowa
Hilbrich Lee, P., Ritter, M., (1997). "Timber Bridges in Southern Iowa," Structures Congress 1997: Proceedings of Structures Congress XV, Vol. 1, 295-299, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Alampalli, S., Duwadi, S., Herman, R., Kleinhans, D., Mahmoud, K., Ray, M., Wacker, J., (2008). "Enhancing Bridge Performance," The American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute Bridge Workshop 1-126, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Pole creek metal-plate-connected truss bridge (199 KB)
Ritter, M., Triche, M., (1996). "Pole creek metal-plate-connected truss bridge," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 49-57, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 26 (132 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1997). "Crossings, Issue 26," 26 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Improved Analytical Techniques for Historic Covered Bridges (802 KB)
Fanous, F., Rammer, D., (2009). "Improved Analytical Techniques for Historic Covered Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Selection and Application of Exterior Stains for Wood
Feist, W., Williams, R., (1999). "Selection and Application of Exterior Stains for Wood," FPL-GTR-106 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of limit states design procedures for timber bridges (133 KB)
Crews, K., Ritter, M., (1996). "Development of limit states design procedures for timber bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 292-300, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Phares, B., Wipf, T., (2005). "Remote Monitoring of Historic Covered Timber Bridges in Madison County for Prevention of Arson and Vandalism," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Design Concepts: Glulam in Railroad Construction
(1999). "Design Concepts: Glulam in Railroad Construction," EWS Y255 APA Engineered Wood Systems, Tacoma, WA.
Directory of Wood-Framed Building Deconstruction and Reused Building Materials Companies (853 KB)
(2004). "Directory of Wood-Framed Building Deconstruction and Reused Building Materials Companies," FPl-GTR-150, 1-113, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
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Forest Service Specifications for Construction of Bridges & Other Major Drainage Structures
Forest Service Engineering Staff, (1985). "Forest Service Specifications for Construction of Bridges & Other Major Drainage Structures," EM-7720-100B, 1-241, USDA, Forest Service, Engineering Staff, Washington, DC.
Development and Testing of Portable Glulam Timber Bridge Systems
Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (2000). "Development and Testing of Portable Glulam Timber Bridge Systems," Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Paper No. 00-0334 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Design Provisions for Portable Longitudinal Glued-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges for use in Forest Operations
Franklin, J., (1999). "Design Provisions for Portable Longitudinal Glued-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges for use in Forest Operations," 1-237, Aubrun University, Auburn, Alabama.
Timber Bridges
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Proceedings: Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation of Bridges
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Needs Assessment for Advancing Timber Utilization in Mainline and Short-Line Railroad Applications (393 KB)
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Revision of Timber Bridge Design Specifications (640 KB)
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Selection and use of preservative-treated wood (138 KB)
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Timber bridge hardwood glulam deck connector evaluations under static and repetitive loads (392 KB)
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Baileyville Bridge, Centre County, Pennsylvania (212 KB)
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Crossings, Issue 21 (146 KB)
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Crossings, Issue 13 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1993). "Crossings, Issue 13," 13 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Cold Temperature Effects on Stress-Laminated Timber Bridges: A Laboratory Study (2 MB)
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Covered Bridge Manual (8 MB)
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Recycling Municipal Trees: A Guide for Marketing Sawlogs from Street Tree Removals in Municipalities
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The Timber People: A History of Bunnings Limited
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Long-Term Performance Monitoring of Hardwood Timber Bridges in Pennsylvania (4 MB)
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Applications of Wood Materials for Innovative Bridge Systems
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Crossings, Issue 35 (321 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1999). "Crossings, Issue 35," 35 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Evaluation of yellow poplar glued laminated timber beams
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Bending strength of large Alaskan Sitka spruce and western Hemlock log bridges
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Wood Highway Bridges
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Moisture protection for timber members (270 KB)
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Long term load performance of FRP reinforced glulam bridge girders (430 KB)
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Structural Analaysis Software for Micros
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Field performance of timber bridges: 21. Humphrey stress-laminated T-beam bridge (2 MB)
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Using lightweight MPC wood trusses in bridges (36 KB)
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Design and Construction of Pile Driven Foundations: Workshop Manual Volume I
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Crossings, Issue 44 (661 KB)
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Spans of Time: Oklahoma Historic Highway Bridges
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Research on timber bridges and related topics: Research update (52 KB)
Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., (1995). "Research on timber bridges and related topics: Research update," FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Nelson Slough Bridge, Skagway, Alaska (205 KB)
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Field Performance of Stress-Laminated Timber Bridges on Low-Volume Roads (85 KB)
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Yellow poplar glued-laminated timber: Product development and use in timber bridge construction (201 KB)
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Reliability-based criteria for load and resistance factor design code for wood bridges (122 KB)
Eamon, C., Murphy, J., Nowak, A., Ritter, M., (2000). "Reliability-based criteria for load and resistance factor design code for wood bridges," Transportation Research Record 1696, Paper No. 5B0016 Vol. 1, 316-322, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Research: Fire Retardant Treatments for Historic Covered Bridges
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Development of Effective Field Treatments for Protecting Bridge Members
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System stiffness for stress-laminated timber bridge decks (2 MB)
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What We Know – and Don’t Know – about Water Quality at Stream Crossings
Rummer, R., Taylor, S., Thompson, J., Welch, R., Yoo, K., (1999). "What We Know – and Don’t Know – about Water Quality at Stream Crossings," Journal of Forestry, Vol. 97, Num. 8 Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD.
Crossings, Issue 11 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1993). "Crossings, Issue 11," 11 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Summary Report on Selected Bridge Railings
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Portable Glulam Timber Bridge Design for Low-Volume Forest Roads (78 KB)
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Two Test Level 4 Bridge Railing and Transition System for Transverse Timber Deck Bridges (937 KB)
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Proof loading closed timber bridges (33 KB)
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Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Volume 3
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Yellow Poplar glulam timber beam performance (629 KB)
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National Design Specification (NDS) Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction
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Design, Construction, and Evaluation of Timber Bridge Constructed of Cottonwood Lumber (602 KB)
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Stress Cracking Potential of HDPE Geogrids
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Adhesive Bonding of Wood (3 MB)
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Performance Level 1 Tests on the Nebraska Open Concrete Bridge Rail
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Beitrag der Baumeister Grubenmann zur Entwicklung des Holzbruckenbaus/Entwicklung des ingenieurmassigen Holzbaus seit Grubenmann
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Structural Engineering World Wide 1998
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Guide for In-Place Preservative Treatment of Covered Bridges (2 MB)
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Modern Timber Bridges of West Virginia, Volume I
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Design Criteria for Portable Timber Bridge Systems: Static versus Dynamic Loads (533 KB)
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Dynamic behavior of glued laminated timber stringer bridges
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Timber Design for the Civil Professional Engineering Examination
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Species Identification and Field-Grading of Woods in Covered Bridges (1 MB)
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Profile 2005: Softwood Sawmills in the United States and Canada (6 MB)
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Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems
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Development of six-year research needs assessment for timber transportation structures (491 KB)
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Graves Crossing Bridge, Antrim County, Michigan (212 KB)
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Hand Drilling and Breaking Rock
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Trabroar – med stod av spannbock eller dragband
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Dutch Hill Road Timber Bridge, Crawford County, Pennsylvania (532 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Dutch Hill Road Timber Bridge, Crawford County, Pennsylvania."
Crossings, Issue 41 (220 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2002). "Crossings, Issue 41," 41 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Integrated efficacy evaluation of new preservatives in alternative wood species (97 KB)
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Glued-laminated timber panels for bridge deck replacement (58 KB)
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Stress-laminated / steel T-beam bridge system
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Properties of Imported Tropic Woods
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Load rating of single span, glulam beam bridges using two computer applications (130 KB)
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Lynn Run Trail Bridge #2, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (579 KB)
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An Overview of the Wood in Transportation Program in the United States (94 KB)
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Multiple-Service-Level Highway Bridge Railing Selection Procedures
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Ontario’s experience with composite wood/steel bridges (238 KB)
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Temporary stream and wetland crossing options for forest management (11 MB)
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Crossings, Issue 15 (4 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1994). "Crossings, Issue 15," 15 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Recommended Constructed Practices for Stress-Laminated Wood Bridge Decks (133 KB)
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Standard designs for hardwood glued-laminated highway bridges (52 KB)
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Plans for crash-tested bridge railings for longitudinal wood decks on low-volume roads (258 KB)
Bunnell, S., Faller, R., Lee, P., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1998). "Plans for crash-tested bridge railings for longitudinal wood decks on low-volume roads," FPL-GTR-107 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Retaining Wall Design Guide
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Bauen mit Holz
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The Mormon Creek bridge: performance after three years
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Nondestructive evaluation techniques for timber bridges (149 KB)
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Field monitoring of a stressed timber bridge over Elk Two-Mile Creek, West Virginia
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Procedure for design of glued-laminated orthotropic bridge decks
McCutcheon, W., Tuomi, R., (1973). "Procedure for design of glued-laminated orthotropic bridge decks," FPL-RP-210 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Dynamic evaluation and testing of timber highway bridges (199 KB)
Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (1999). "Dynamic evaluation and testing of timber highway bridges," Forest Research Bulletin: Proceedings of the Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, No. 212 Vol. 3, 333-340, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Fatigue design criteria of MPC wood trusses for bridge applications (136 KB)
Caccese, V., Dagher, H., Ritter, M., West, B., Wolfe, R., (1996). "Fatigue design criteria of MPC wood trusses for bridge applications," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 58-64, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Timber bridges in Australia (373 KB)
Walter, G., (1996). "Timber bridges in Australia," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 17-21, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Dynamic Field Performance of Timber Bridges (836 KB)
Bigelow, J., Phares, B., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (2004). "Dynamic Field Performance of Timber Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Roadside Safety Features
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Timber Bridges in Nordic Countries (171 KB)
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Crossings, Issue 27 (108 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1997). "Crossings, Issue 27," 27 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Experimental shear strength of glued-laminated beams (164 KB)
Rammer, D., Soltis, L., (1996). "Experimental shear strength of glued-laminated beams," FPL-RP-527 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Fundamental structural behavior of “built-up” stress laminated timber bridge decks
Bakoss, S., Crews, K., (1996). "Fundamental structural behavior of “built-up” stress laminated timber bridge decks," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 39-48, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
County Bridge 134, Perry County, Indiana (234 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "County Bridge 134, Perry County, Indiana."
Rehabilitating historic timber transportation structures at Burnt Cabins Grist Mill, Burn Cabins (1 MB)
Collins, W., (1996). "Rehabilitating historic timber transportation structures at Burnt Cabins Grist Mill, Burn Cabins," National conference on wood transportation structures 72-81, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Main Black Bridge, Montmorency County, MI (197 KB)
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Bridge Scour Evaluation: Screening, Analysis, and Countermeasures
Ericksson, M., Kattell, J., (1998). "Bridge Scour Evaluation: Screening, Analysis, and Countermeasures," 9877 1207 - SDTDC USDA, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, San Dimas, CA.
The Tie Guide: Handbook for Commercial Timbers Used by the Crosstie Industry
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Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Volume 1
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Field performance of timber bridges: 17. Ciphers stress-laminated deck bridge (796 KB)
Kainz, J., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1998). "Field performance of timber bridges: 17. Ciphers stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-572 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Proceedings: 5th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Volume 2
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Prestressed Wood Applications
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GRP Prestressing of Wood Decks (72 KB)
Abdel-Magid, B., Dagher, H., Iyer, S., Ritter, M., (1997). "GRP Prestressing of Wood Decks," Structures Congress 1997: Building to last: Proceedings of Structures Congress XV, Vol. 1, 585-589, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Evaluation and Testing of Timber Railroad Bridges
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Crossings, Issue 23 (244 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1996). "Crossings, Issue 23," 23 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Response of rectangular elastoplastic beams to monotonic and alternating yield conditions
Faller, R., (1998). "Response of rectangular elastoplastic beams to monotonic and alternating yield conditions," 1-244, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Field Performance of Stress-Lam Bridges
Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (2000). "Field Performance of Stress-Lam Bridges," Transportation Research Record 1740 96-103, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Dynamic Evaluation of Wood Bridges (25 KB)
Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., (1995). "Dynamic Evaluation of Wood Bridges," Structures Congress 1995: Restructuring: America and beyond: Proceedings of Structures Congress 13; 1995 April 2- 5; Boston, MA, Vol. 1 ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
McCurdy Road Timber Bridge, Richland County, Ohio (884 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2000). "McCurdy Road Timber Bridge, Richland County, Ohio."
Remote Monitoring of Historic Covered Timber Bridges for the Prevention of Arson and Vandalism (3 MB)
LaViolette, M., Phares, B., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., (2010). "Remote Monitoring of Historic Covered Timber Bridges for the Prevention of Arson and Vandalism," GTR-191 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 33 (81 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1999). "Crossings, Issue 33," 33 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Structural Reliability of Plank Decks (25 KB)
Eamon, C., Nowak, A., Ritter, M., (1999). "Structural Reliability of Plank Decks," Structures Congress 1999: Proceedings of the 1999 Structures Congress, Structural Engineering in the 21st Century 688-691, Structural Engineering Institute and ASCE, New Orleans, LA.
Kepler-Bradley Lakes Bridge, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska (107 KB)
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Crossings, Issue 24 (70 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1996). "Crossings, Issue 24," 24 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Design of a Timber Bridge to Evaluate Deck Design Details (565 KB)
Phares, B., Ritter, M., (2007). "Design of a Timber Bridge to Evaluate Deck Design Details," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 7. Connell Lake stress-laminated deck bridge (116 KB)
Hislop, L., Ritter, M., (1996). "Field performance of timber bridges: 7. Connell Lake stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-550 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Live Load Deflection of Timber Bridges (4 MB)
Hosteng, T., Phares, B., Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (2004). "Live Load Deflection of Timber Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of stress- laminated timber bridges
Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1995). "Field performance of stress- laminated timber bridges," Wood Design Focus, 6(2) USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Petty Creek Bridge, Missoula County, Montana (114 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2001). "Petty Creek Bridge, Missoula County, Montana."
Production of Hardwood Machine Stress Rated Lumber (313 KB)
Green, W., McDonald, K., Ross, R., (1994). "Production of Hardwood Machine Stress Rated Lumber," Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood; 1993 September 22-24; Madison, WI 141-150, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI.
Emily Lake Road Bridge, Houghton County, Michigan (147 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1998). "Emily Lake Road Bridge, Houghton County, Michigan."
Smart timber bridges for in-situ evaluation
Kainz, J., Landis, E., Le, X., Peterson, M., (1998). "Smart timber bridges for in-situ evaluation," Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 3396. 0277-786X.
Development and Demonstration of Fleet Management Strategies for Timber Bridges (349 KB)
Phares, B., Wipf, T., (2005). "Development and Demonstration of Fleet Management Strategies for Timber Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Prestressed Wood Bridges
Batchelor, B., Taylor, R., Van Dalen, K., (1983). "Prestressed Wood Bridges," SRR-83-01 Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, Ontario.
Design and evaluation of two bridge railings for low-volume roads (865 KB)
Bunnell, S., Faller, R., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., Sicking, D., (1995). "Design and evaluation of two bridge railings for low-volume roads," Proceedings of 6th International conference on low-volume roads, Vol. 2, 357-372, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
The Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology
(2002). "The Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology," The Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology, Oslo, Norway.
Forest Service Specifications for Construction of Roads & Minor Drainage Structures
Forest Service Engineering Staff, (1985). "Forest Service Specifications for Construction of Roads & Minor Drainage Structures," EM-7720-100R, 1-156, USDA, Forest Service, Engineering Staff, Washington, DC.
Timber bridges in South America (3 MB)
Calil, Jr., C., (1996). "Timber bridges in South America," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 27-38, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Recent Trends in Preservative Treatments for Timber Bridges (97 KB)
Wacker, J., (2004). "Recent Trends in Preservative Treatments for Timber Bridges," Wood Design Focus, 14:02, 17-20, Forest Products Society, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 40 (167 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2001). "Crossings, Issue 40," 40 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Brooks, K., (2004). "Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Migration from Creosote-Treated Railway Ties into Ballast and Adjacent Wetlands," FPL-RP-617 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 1974
Forest Products Lab, (1974). "Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 1974," 72 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Recreational timber bridges in Pennsylvania state parks and forests (332 KB)
Collins, W., Fischetti, D., (1996). "Recreational timber bridges in Pennsylvania state parks and forests," National conference on wood transportation structures 401-410, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Jackson, G., Paun, D., (2000). "Potential for Expanding Small-Diameter Timber Market: Assessing Use of Wood Posts in Highway Applications," FPL-GTR-120 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
McCurdy Road stress-laminated timber bridge: A viable option for short-span design (452 KB)
Hill, C., Kainz, J., (1996). "McCurdy Road stress-laminated timber bridge: A viable option for short-span design," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 418-426, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 10. Sanborn Brook Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge (1 MB)
Lee, P., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1996). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 10. Sanborn Brook Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge," FPL-RP-555 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Portable Logging Bridge, Michigan (196 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Portable Logging Bridge, Michigan."
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 15. Pueblo County, Colorado, Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge (1 MB)
Hislop, L., (1998). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 15. Pueblo County, Colorado, Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge," FPL-RP-556 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Investigation of the mechanical properties of red oak 2 by 4’s
Green, D., McDonald, K., (1993). "Investigation of the mechanical properties of red oak 2 by 4’s," Wood and Fiber Science, 25(1), 35-45, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations: Workshop Manual Volume II
Goble, G., Hannigan, P., Likins, G., Rausche, F., Thendean, G., (1997). "Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations: Workshop Manual Volume II," FHWA-HI-97-014, 1-404, FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Effects of treatment, incising, and drying on mechanical properties of timber (495 KB)
Winandy, J., (1996). "Effects of treatment, incising, and drying on mechanical properties of timber," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 178-185, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Shear strength of glued-laminated timber beams and panels (643 KB)
Rammer, D., (1996). "Shear strength of glued-laminated timber beams and panels," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 192-200, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 39 (174 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2001). "Crossings, Issue 39," 39 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 17 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1994). "Crossings, Issue 17," 17 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crashworthy railing for timber bridges (221 KB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Ritter, M., (1999). "Crashworthy railing for timber bridges," Forest Research Bulletin: Proceedings of the Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, No. 212. Vol. 3, 325-332, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Condition Assessment of Timber Bridges: 1. Evaluation of a micro-drilling resistance tool (1 MB)
Brashaw, B., Ross, R., Vatalaro, R., Wacker, J., (2005). "Condition Assessment of Timber Bridges: 1. Evaluation of a micro-drilling resistance tool," FPL-GTR-159 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 19. North Yarmouth stress-laminated truss bridge (2 MB)
Altimore, F., Caccese, V., Dagher, H., Ritter, M., (2001). "Field performance of timber bridges: 19. North Yarmouth stress-laminated truss bridge," FPL-RP-590 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Bridge Inspector’s Training Manual 90
Amrhein, W., Baughman, D., Hartle, R., Tkacs, J., Wilson III, K., (1991). "Bridge Inspector’s Training Manual 90," FHWA-PD-91-015, 1-586, FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
ANSI/AF&PA 2005 National Design Specifications (NDS) for Wood Construction
(2005). "ANSI/AF&PA 2005 National Design Specifications (NDS) for Wood Construction," 1-42, 47-50, 169-170, AF&PA American Wood Council, Washington, DC.
Bulb-T and glulam FRP beams for timber bridges
Davalos, J., GangaRao, H., Hernandez, R., Moody, R., Sonti, S., (1994). "Bulb-T and glulam FRP beams for timber bridges," Structures Congress 1994: Structures Congress 12: Proceedings of papers presented at the structures congress '94; 1994 April 24-28; Atlanta, GA, 2, 1316-1321, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Field performance of timber bridges: 11. Spearfish Creek stress-laminated box-beam bridge
Becker, J., Brown, N., Ritter, M., Stanfill-McMillan, K., Wacker, J., (1997). "Field performance of timber bridges: 11. Spearfish Creek stress-laminated box-beam bridge," FPL-RP-556 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 14. Dean, Hibbsville, and Decatur Stress-Laminated Deck Bridges (993 KB)
Golston, S., Hilbrich Lee, P., Hinds, K., Ritter, M., (1997). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 14. Dean, Hibbsville, and Decatur Stress-Laminated Deck Bridges," FPL-RP-564 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Brookston Road Bridge, Forest County, Pennsylvania (136 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1998). "Brookston Road Bridge, Forest County, Pennsylvania."
Standard plans for Southern Pine bridges (2 MB)
Lee, P., Ritter, M., Triche, M., (1995). "Standard plans for Southern Pine bridges," FPL-GTR-94 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 42 (297 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2002). "Crossings, Issue 42," 42 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Insects That Infest Seasoned Wood in Structures
Amburgey, T., (2008). "Insects That Infest Seasoned Wood in Structures," Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives, Chapter 3, 32-57, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
Improving Access to Rural Residential Homes in West Virginia (395 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2000). "Improving Access to Rural Residential Homes in West Virginia."
Baileyville Bridge, Centre County, Penn. (212 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Baileyville Bridge, Centre County, Penn.."
Distribution of Borates around Point Source Injections in Wood Members Exposed Outside (119 KB)
Crawford, D., De Groot, R., Felton, C., (2000). "Distribution of Borates around Point Source Injections in Wood Members Exposed Outside," FPL-RN-0275 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 18. Byron stress-laminated truss bridge (2 MB)
Altimore, F., Caccese, V., Dagher, H., Ritter, M., (2000). "Field performance of timber bridges: 18. Byron stress-laminated truss bridge," FPL-RP-588 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Analysis, design, rating, and drafting of wood bridge superstructures (84 KB)
Puckett, J., Thomas, W., (1996). "Analysis, design, rating, and drafting of wood bridge superstructures," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 361-370, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
A Structural Wood System for Highway Bridges
Csagoly, P., Taylor, R., (1986). "A Structural Wood System for Highway Bridges," SRR-80-05 Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Downsview, Ontario.
Curved Glulam Beams In Changing Relative Humidity
Cerut, B., Petkovic, L., Srpcic, J., Velechovsky, T., (1993). "Curved Glulam Beams In Changing Relative Humidity," Institute for Testing and Research in Materials and Structures, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Effect of FRP reinforcement on low grade eastern hemlock glulams (164 KB)
Abdel-Magid, B., Dagher, H., Kimball, T., Shaler, S., (1996). "Effect of FRP reinforcement on low grade eastern hemlock glulams," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 201-214, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Sunset Hill Road Bridge, Missoula County, Montana (105 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2001). "Sunset Hill Road Bridge, Missoula County, Montana."
Meigsville Township 150 Bridge, Morgan County, Ohio (222 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1998). "Meigsville Township 150 Bridge, Morgan County, Ohio."
Durability and Detail Design: The Result of 15 Years of Systematic Improvements (85 KB)
Kropf, F., (1996). "Durability and Detail Design: The Result of 15 Years of Systematic Improvements," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 321-327, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Evaluation of new creosote formulations (207 KB)
Crawford, D., De Groot, R., (1996). "Evaluation of new creosote formulations," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 379-388, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Summary Report on Selected Guardrails
Bryden, J., Ray, M., (1992). "Summary Report on Selected Guardrails," FHWA-SA-91-050 FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, State & Local Program Branch, Washington, DC.
Geosynthetics for Tails in Wet Areas
Monlux, S., Vachowski, B., (1995). "Geosynthetics for Tails in Wet Areas," 9523-2839-MTDC USDA, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, Missoula, MT.
Design of timber foundation piling for highway bridges and other structures (384 KB)
Graham, J., (1996). "Design of timber foundation piling for highway bridges and other structures," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 301-312, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Finite element analysis of longitudinal glulam timber deck and glulam timber girder bridges
Kurian, A., (2001). "Finite element analysis of longitudinal glulam timber deck and glulam timber girder bridges," 1-177, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Establishment of a National Center for Wood Transportation Structures (NCWTS) Phase I (1 MB)
Martinson, K., Wipf, T., (2009). "Establishment of a National Center for Wood Transportation Structures (NCWTS) Phase I," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Load Testing and Analysis of Wood Bridges Rehabilitated by Transverse Post-Tensioning
Patel, N., Taylor, R., (1986). "Load Testing and Analysis of Wood Bridges Rehabilitated by Transverse Post-Tensioning," SRR-86-08 Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Downsview, Ontario.
Emerging timber bridge technology in the United States (abstract)
Ritter, M., (1998). "Emerging timber bridge technology in the United States (abstract)," Structural Engineering World Wide [Abstracts Volume], Paper reference T134-1 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The Modern Timber Bridge Program in the State of Maine: A Five-Year Report (51 KB)
Dagher, H., Hetherly, P., (1996). "The Modern Timber Bridge Program in the State of Maine: A Five-Year Report," National Conference on Wood Transportation Structures, FPL-GTR-94, 328-332, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 10 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1992). "Crossings, Issue 10," 10 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Perception versus reality: An analysis of timber bridge performance in the United States (142 KB)
Smith, R., Stanfill-McMillan, K., (1996). "Perception versus reality: An analysis of timber bridge performance in the United States," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 467-475, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 28 (577 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1997). "Crossings, Issue 28," 28 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Old Vanderbilt Road Bridge, Ostego County, MI (212 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Old Vanderbilt Road Bridge, Ostego County, MI."
In-place detection of decay in timber bridges – An application of stress wave technology (617 KB)
Falk, R., Lavinder, J., Pellerin, R., Ross, R., Volny, N., (1996). "In-place detection of decay in timber bridges – An application of stress wave technology," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 282-291, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Nondestructive Assessment of Single Span Timber Bridges using a Vibration Method (679 KB)
Erickson, J., Forsman, J., Morison, G., Ross, R., Wacker, J., Wang, X., (2005). "Nondestructive Assessment of Single Span Timber Bridges using a Vibration Method," Res. Pap. FPL-RP-627 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
The Development of Economical Low-Volume Road Bridges
GangaRao, H., Howser, V., Ward, R., Zelinka, S., (1987). "The Development of Economical Low-Volume Road Bridges," DOT FHWA/DF/87/002, 1-159, FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Railing systems for longitudinal timber deck bridges (685 KB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Lee, P., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1996). "Railing systems for longitudinal timber deck bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 145-157, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development and evaluation of the Teal River stress- laminated glulam bridge
Ritter, M., Stanfill-McMillan, K., Wacker, J., (1993). "Development and evaluation of the Teal River stress- laminated glulam bridge," Transportation Research Record 1426 27-35, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Madison, WI.
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 1987
Forest Products Lab, (1987). "Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 1987," 72, 1-466, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Densified Veneer Wood Reinforced Timber Joints with Expanded Tube Fasteners
Leijten, A., (1998). "Densified Veneer Wood Reinforced Timber Joints with Expanded Tube Fasteners," 1-164, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
Portable Timber Bridge Designs for Low Volume Forest Roads
Keliher, K., Murphy, G., Ritter, M., Taylor, S., Thompson, J., (1993). "Portable Timber Bridge Designs for Low Volume Forest Roads," ASAE Paper 93-7511 American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
Evaluation and Field Load Testing of a Timber Railroad Bridge (253 KB)
Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (2000). "Evaluation and Field Load Testing of a Timber Railroad Bridge," Transportation Research Record 1696, Paper No. 5B0112 Vol. 1, 323-333, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Preservative treatment evaluation of red maple and yellow poplar with ACQ-B (112 KB)
De Groot, R., Gardner, D., Hassler, C., Slahor, J., (1997). "Preservative treatment evaluation of red maple and yellow poplar with ACQ-B," Forest Products Journal, 47(4), 50-54.
Brooks, K., (2000). "Assessment of the environmental effects associated with wooden bridges preserved with creosote, pentachlorophenol, or chromated copper arsenate," FPL-RP-587, 1-100, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Load Testing of the Laurel Run Prestressed Timber Bridge, USA (in Portugese)
Calil, Jr., C., Wacker, J., (2002). "Load Testing of the Laurel Run Prestressed Timber Bridge, USA (in Portugese)," Proceedings of the VIII EBRAMEM, EB051.09 Uberlandia, Minas Gerias, Brazil.
A Landowner’s Guide to Building Forest Access Roads
Wiest, R., (1998). "A Landowner’s Guide to Building Forest Access Roads," NA-TP-06-98 USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Area, Morgantown, WV.
Design of Prestressed Wood Bridges Using the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code
Taylor, R., (1983). "Design of Prestressed Wood Bridges Using the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code," SRR-83-03 Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, Ontario.
Little Bitterroot River Timber Bridge, Sanders County, Montana (162 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Little Bitterroot River Timber Bridge, Sanders County, Montana."
Field performance of timber bridges: 12. Christian Hollow stress-laminated box-beam bridge (814 KB)
Catherman, S., Wacker, J., Winnet, R., (1998). "Field performance of timber bridges: 12. Christian Hollow stress-laminated box-beam bridge," FPL-RP-560 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Kings Covered Bridge Rehabilitation
Buckwalter, L., Cesa, E., Collins, W., Diehl, B., Fischetti, D., Graton, A., Kemp, E., Lichvar, L., McNamara, J., Petro, S., Stoltz, E., Wacker, J., (2005). "Kings Covered Bridge Rehabilitation," Structures Congress 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 Structures Congress ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Behavior of stress-laminated parallel-chord timber bridge decks
Dimakis, A., Oliva, M., Ritter, M., (1992). "Behavior of stress-laminated parallel-chord timber bridge decks," FPL-RP-511 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Shear strength of wood beams (230 KB)
McLean, D., Rammer, D., (1996). "Shear strength of wood beams," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 168-177, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Guide for minimizing the effect of preservative-treated wood on sensitive environments (2 MB)
Lebow, P., Tippie, M., (2001). "Guide for minimizing the effect of preservative-treated wood on sensitive environments," FPL-GTR-122 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Utilizing Municipal Trees: Ideas From Across the Country
Bratkovich, S., (2001). "Utilizing Municipal Trees: Ideas From Across the Country," NA-TP-06-01 USDA, Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, St. Paul, MN.
Field performance of timber bridges: 5. Little Salmon Creek stress-laminated deck bridge (881 KB)
Kainz, J., Porter, G., Ritter, M., (1996). "Field performance of timber bridges: 5. Little Salmon Creek stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-547 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of stress-laminated concepts for timber bridges
Ritter, M., (1990). "Development of stress-laminated concepts for timber bridges," Structures Congress 1990: Abstracts: 8th Structures Congress Proceedings; 1990 April 30; Baltimore, MD 179-180, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Westvaco Natural Resource Center Timber Bridge, Preston County, West Virginia (1 MB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2002). "Westvaco Natural Resource Center Timber Bridge, Preston County, West Virginia."
Crossings, Issue 19 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1995). "Crossings, Issue 19," 19 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Performance level 2 and test level 4 bridge railings for timber decks (734 KB)
Faller, R., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1995). "Performance level 2 and test level 4 bridge railings for timber decks," Transportation Research Record 1500 102-111, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Provo River Pedestrian Covered Bridge, Wasatch County, Utah (77 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2001). "Provo River Pedestrian Covered Bridge, Wasatch County, Utah."
Performance of red oak and red maple glued-laminated bridges (220 KB)
Blankenhorn, P., Janowiak, J., Labosky Jr., P., Manbeck, H., Witmer, Jr., R., (1996). "Performance of red oak and red maple glued-laminated bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 82-91, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crash-tested bridge railings for timber bridges (590 KB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Ritter, M., (1995). "Crash-tested bridge railings for timber bridges," Proceedings of 4th International bridge engineering conference; 1995 August 28-30; San Francisco, CA, Vol. 2, 395-404, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Red maple glulam timber beam performance
Blankenhorn, P., Hernandez, R., Janowiak, J., Labosky Jr., P., Manbeck, H., Moody, R., (1993). "Red maple glulam timber beam performance," FPL-RP-519 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 30 (216 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1998). "Crossings, Issue 30," 30 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 16. North Siwell Road stress-laminated bridge (823 KB)
Kainz, J., (1998). "Field performance of timber bridges: 16. North Siwell Road stress-laminated bridge," FPL-RP-560 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Glulam Timber Deck Bridges
Sprinkel, M., (1978). "Glulam Timber Deck Bridges," VHTRC 79-R26 Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, VA.
Probabilistic Structural Evaluation of Stress-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges
Langlitz, T., (1997). "Probabilistic Structural Evaluation of Stress-Laminated Timber Deck Bridges," Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Volume 2
(1999). "Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Volume 2," Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference 1999, Forest Research Bulletin No. 212, 1-374, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Standard Specifications for Construction of Trails
Forest Service Engineering Staff, (1984). "Standard Specifications for Construction of Trails," EM-7720-102, 1-105, USDA, Forest Service, Engineering Staff, Washington, DC.
Oak Drive Bridge, Stark County, Ohio (200 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Oak Drive Bridge, Stark County, Ohio."
Role of construction debris in release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from treated wood structures (116 KB)
Halverson, S., Lebow, S., Morrell, J., Simonsen, J., (2000). "Role of construction debris in release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from treated wood structures," FPL-RP-584 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development and use of stress laminated timber deck bridges
Dimakis, A., Oliva, M., Ritter, M., (1987). "Development and use of stress laminated timber deck bridges," Structures Congress 1987: Bridges and transmission line structures: Proceedings of the Structures Congress '87; 1987 August 17-20; Orlando, FL 249-255, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Technical Drawing Sixth Edition
Giesecke, F., Hill, C., Mitchell, A., Spencer, H., (1974). "Technical Drawing Sixth Edition," 0-02-342700-0, 1-867, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, NY.
American Farmland Trust Timber Bridge, Franklin County, Pennsylvania (102 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2000). "American Farmland Trust Timber Bridge, Franklin County, Pennsylvania."
Static behavior of glued laminated stringer bridges
Bahri, S., (1997). "Static behavior of glued laminated stringer bridges," Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Determining in-place modulus of elasticity of stress-laminated timber decks using NDE
Ritter, M., Ross, R., Schad, K., (1996). "Determining in-place modulus of elasticity of stress-laminated timber decks using NDE," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 277-281, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
A built-up timber girder for bridge construction in developing countries (177 KB)
Allotey, I., Dolan, J., (1996). "A built-up timber girder for bridge construction in developing countries," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 131-137, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Backfill Guide
Ireland, H., Peck, R., (1957). "Backfill Guide," Journal of the Stuctural Division Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Paper 1321 ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, Jackson, Mississippi.
Development of a Smart Glued-Laminated Timber Bridge (391 KB)
Phares, B., Wipf, T., (2005). "Development of a Smart Glued-Laminated Timber Bridge," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
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Handtools for Trail Work
Hallman, R., (1997). "Handtools for Trail Work," 8823-2601-MTDC USDA, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, Missoula, MT.
Bridges on Secondary Highways and Local Roads Rehabilitation and Replacement
Transportation Research Board, (1980). "Bridges on Secondary Highways and Local Roads Rehabilitation and Replacement," 222, 1-132, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Timber Bridges in the United States
Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., (1997). "Timber Bridges in the United States," Public Roads, 60(3) Winter 1997, 32-40, FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Rehabilitation and Replacement of Bridges on Secondary Highways and Local Roads
Transportation Research Board, (1981). "Rehabilitation and Replacement of Bridges on Secondary Highways and Local Roads," 243 Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
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Stress-Laminated SCL Bridges with Preservative Strand (249 KB)
Ritter, M., Smith, M., Wipf, T., (1999). "Stress-Laminated SCL Bridges with Preservative Strand," Forest Research Bulletin: Proceedings of the Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, No. 212 Vol. 3, 47-54, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Timber bridges: Design, construction, inspection, and maintenance (17 MB)
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Tentative Service Requirements for Bridge Rail Systems
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The History of Engineering in the Forest Service: A Compilation of History and Memoirs, 1905-1989
Forest Service Engineering Staff, (1990). "The History of Engineering in the Forest Service: A Compilation of History and Memoirs, 1905-1989," EM 7100-13, 1-803, USDA, Forest Service, Engineering Staff, Washington, DC.
Performance and rehabilitation of timber bridges
Gutkowski, R., McCutcheon, W., Moody, R., (1986). "Performance and rehabilitation of timber bridges," Transportation Research Record 1053 65-69, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Portable Timber Bridges as a Best Management Practice in Forest Management
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Hardwood Structural Lumber from Log Heart Cants (231 KB)
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Passerelle haubanee en bois rond sur la N9
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Duwadi, S., Ritter, M., (1998). "Research Accomplishments for Wood Transportation Structures Based on a National Research Needs Assessment," FPL-GTR-105 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Development of longer span wood bridges (708 KB)
Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (1990). "Development of longer span wood bridges," Developments in short and medium span bridge engineering '90: Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on short and medium span bridges, Vol. 2, 391-402, The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, P.Q., Canada.
Crossings, Issue 37 (573 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2000). "Crossings, Issue 37," 37 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Evaluation of stress-laminated T-beam bridges constructed of laminated veneer lumber (395 KB)
Kainz, J., Lee, P., Meyer, C., Ritter, M., (1996). "Evaluation of stress-laminated T-beam bridges constructed of laminated veneer lumber," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 92-103, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
East Fork Rosebud Creek Bridge, Carbon County, Montana (137 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "East Fork Rosebud Creek Bridge, Carbon County, Montana."
Trough Creek State Park Bridge, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (189 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Trough Creek State Park Bridge, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania."
LRFD Calibration for Wood Bridges
Eamon, C., Murphy, J., Nowak, A., Ritter, M., (2001). "LRFD Calibration for Wood Bridges," Project 96-RJVA-2822 University of Michigan, College of Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI.
Field tests and development of stress-laminated wood deck bridges
Ritter, M., Usuki, S., (1993). "Field tests and development of stress-laminated wood deck bridges," Bulletin of Structural Engineering, 39 A(3), 1089-1100.
Norwegian Wood: A Tradition of Building
Holan, J., (1990). "Norwegian Wood: A Tradition of Building," 1-208, Rizzoli, New York, NY.
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Timber highway bridge construction practices in the United States (336 KB)
Williamson, T., (1996). "Timber highway bridge construction practices in the United States," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Performance of red maple glulam timber beams
Blankenhorn, P., Hernandez, R., Janowiak, J., Labosky Jr., P., Manbeck, H., Moody, R., (1992). "Performance of red maple glulam timber beams," ASAE Paper, 92-4555 American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
Local Bridge No. 1-5, Allegany County, New York (165 KB)
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Inspection of Fracture Critical Bridge Members (17 MB)
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Timber Bridges: 2002 Award Winners
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Development of Flexural Vibration Inspection Techniques to Rapidly Assess the Structural Health of Timber Bridge Systems
Brashaw, B., Ross, R., Vatalaro, R., Wacker, J., Wang, X., (2005). "Development of Flexural Vibration Inspection Techniques to Rapidly Assess the Structural Health of Timber Bridge Systems," Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood 110-121 Hannover, Germany.
Summary of U.S. research on wood transportation structures (195 KB)
Duwadi, S., Moody, R., Ritter, M., (1996). "Summary of U.S. research on wood transportation structures," Proceedings of the international wood engineering conference, Vol. 1, 81-88, Civil/Environmental E. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Security Manual for Covered Bridges (496 KB)
Phares, B., Ritter, M., (2009). "Security Manual for Covered Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crossings, Issue 36 (2 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (2000). "Crossings, Issue 36," 36 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Mechanical grading of timbers for transportation industry (120 KB)
Green, W., Kretschmann, D., Ross, R., Wolcott, M., (1996). "Mechanical grading of timbers for transportation industry," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 186-191, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
U.S. Timber bridge research
Duwadi, S., Moody, R., Ritter, M., (1994). "U.S. Timber bridge research," PTEC 94 Timber shaping the future: Proceedings of Pacific timber engineering conference; 1994 July 11-15; Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 2, 148-155, Timber Research and Development Advisory Council, Queensland, Australia.
Crossings, Issue 7 (4 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1992). "Crossings, Issue 7," 7 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Asphalt Paving of Treated Timber Bridge Decks
Ericksson, M., Kosmalski, S., Wheeler, H., (2003). "Asphalt Paving of Treated Timber Bridge Decks," 0371-2809-MTDC USDA, Forest Service, Technology & Development Program, Missoula, MT.
Reliability analysis of plank decks for bridges (161 KB)
Nowak, A., Saraf, V., (1996). "Reliability analysis of plank decks for bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 225-231, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
State of the art report: Glulam timber bridge design in the United States (113 KB)
Ritter, M., Williamson, T., (1995). "State of the art report: Glulam timber bridge design in the United States," From meeting twenty-seven of the International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation: Working Commission W18 - Timber Structures Karlsruhe, Germany.
Proceedings: 5th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Volume 1
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Portable T-section Glulam Bridge for Low-Volume Roads (100 KB)
Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (1996). "Portable T-section Glulam Bridge for Low-Volume Roads," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 427-436, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crashworthy bridge railing for longitudinal wood decks
Faller, R., Ritter, M., (1994). "Crashworthy bridge railing for longitudinal wood decks," PTEC 94 Timber shaping the future: Proceedings of Pacific timber industry conference; 1994 July 11- 15; Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 2, 298-307, Timber Research and Development Advisory Council, Queensland, Australia.
Dynamic evaluation of timber bridges (185 KB)
Ritter, M., Wipf, T., Wood, D., (1996). "Dynamic evaluation of timber bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 114-121, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Millcross Road Timber Bridge, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (518 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Millcross Road Timber Bridge, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania."
A Wood Bridge Calibration Study for the OHBDC
Taylor, S., (1984). "A Wood Bridge Calibration Study for the OHBDC," SRR-83-04 Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, Ontario.
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 2010 (15 MB)
Bergman, R., Cai, Z., Carll, C., Clausen, C., Dietenberger, M., Falk, R., Frihart, C., Glass, S., Hunt, C., Ibach, R., Kretschmann, D., Rammer, D., Ross, R., (2010). "Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material – 2010," GTR-190, 1-509, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Condition Assessment of Timber Bridges: 2. Evaluation of Several Stress-Wave Timer Devices (1 MB)
Brashaw, B., Ross, R., Vatalaro, R., Wacker, J., (2005). "Condition Assessment of Timber Bridges: 2. Evaluation of Several Stress-Wave Timer Devices," FPL-GTR-160 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Maintenance practices for wood bridges (22 KB)
Ritter, M., Williamson, T., (1995). "Maintenance practices for wood bridges," Structures Congress 1995: Restructuring: America and beyond: Proceedings of Structures Congress 13; 1995 April 2- 5; Boston, MA, Vol. 1, 290-293, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Flint Creek Timber Bridge, Granite County, Montana (654 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2000). "Flint Creek Timber Bridge, Granite County, Montana."
Field investigations of stress-laminated T-beam and box-beam timber bridges (664 KB)
Hislop, L., Morgan, P., Taylor, S., Triche, M., (2002). "Field investigations of stress-laminated T-beam and box-beam timber bridges," Wood Design Focus, Spring 2002.
LRFD provisions for wood bridges
Nowak, A., Ritter, M., (1994). "LRFD provisions for wood bridges," Structures Congress 1994: Structures Congress 12: Proceedings of papers presented at the structures congress '94; 1994 April 24-28; Atlanta, GA, Vol. 1, 549-554, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
State of the art research – stress-laminated timber bridge decks Australia and North America
Crews, K., Dickson, B., GangaRao, H., Ritter, M., (1994). "State of the art research – stress-laminated timber bridge decks Australia and North America," PTEC 94 Timber shaping the future: Proceedings of Pacific timber engineering conference; 1994 July 11-15; Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 2, 123-130, Timber Research and Development Advisory Council, Fortitude Valley MAC, Queensland, Australia.
National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program FY2000
(2000). "National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program FY2000," FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Office of Bridge Technology, Washington, DC.
Field performance of timber bridges: 13. Mohawk canal stress-laminated bridge (799 KB)
Lauderdale, X., Lee, P., (1997). "Field performance of timber bridges: 13. Mohawk canal stress-laminated bridge," FPL-RP-563 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Preservative Treatment Evaluation with CCA and ACQ-B of Four Appalachian Wood Species for Use in Timber Transportation Structures
De Groot, R., Gardner, D., Hassler, C., Slahor, J., (1997). "Preservative Treatment Evaluation with CCA and ACQ-B of Four Appalachian Wood Species for Use in Timber Transportation Structures," Forest Products Journal, 47(9), 33-42.
Lynn Run Trail Bridge #1, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (614 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1999). "Lynn Run Trail Bridge #1, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania."
Treatability and Durability of Heartwood (261 KB)
De Groot, R., Wang, J., (1996). "Treatability and Durability of Heartwood," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 252-260, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Mechanical properties of red maple structural
Green, D., McDonald, K., (1993). "Mechanical properties of red maple structural," Wood and Fiber Science, 25(4), 365-374.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 2. Cooper Creek Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge (1 MB)
Ritter, M., Tice, E., Wacker, J., (1995). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 2. Cooper Creek Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge," FPL-RP-536 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Efficient use of red oak for glued-laminated beams (291 KB)
Hernandez, R., Janowiak, J., Manbeck, H., Moody, R., Shedlauskas, J., (1996). "Efficient use of red oak for glued-laminated beams," Transactions of the ASAE, 39 (1), 203-209.
Development of wood highway sound barriers (201 KB)
Bernecker, C., Boothby, T., Burroughs, C., Cegelka, S., Grgurevich, S., Manbeck, H., Ritter, M., (1996). "Development of wood highway sound barriers," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 158-167, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 1. Teal River stress-laminated deck bridge (723 KB)
Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1992). "Field performance of timber bridges: 1. Teal River stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-515 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Alternatives to Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) for Residential Construction (1 MB)
Lebow, P., (2004). "Alternatives to Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) for Residential Construction," FPL-RP-618 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Portable surfaces for crossing unstable roadbeds (325 KB)
Hislop, L., (1996). "Portable surfaces for crossing unstable roadbeds," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 138-144, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Bridge Rail Design: Factors, Trends, and Guidelines
Cetiner, A., Gunderson, R., Ivey, D., Olson, R., Post, E., (1974). "Bridge Rail Design: Factors, Trends, and Guidelines," 149 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Performance of stress-laminated bridges
Geske, E., Mason, L., McCutcheon, W., Moody, R., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1990). "Performance of stress-laminated bridges," Wood Design Focus, 1(3) USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 9. Big Erick’s stress-laminated deck bridge (2 MB)
Kainz, J., Nelson, M., Wacker, J., (1996). "Field performance of timber bridges: 9. Big Erick’s stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-552 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Analytical modeling of longitudinal glued laminated timber deck bridges
Bisat, A., (1996). "Analytical modeling of longitudinal glued laminated timber deck bridges," Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Superstructure load path testing of two open-deck timber bridges (80 KB)
Otter, D., Ritter, M., Rogers, P., Wipf, T., (1996). "Superstructure load path testing of two open-deck timber bridges," TD 96(027) TDAAR Railway Technology Department, Madison, WI.
In situ performance of stress-laminated timber bridge decks (104 KB)
Kainz, J., Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1998). "In situ performance of stress-laminated timber bridge decks," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc., spring conference on experimental and applied mechanics 265-268, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Houston, TX.
Experimental shear strength of unchecked solid-sawn Douglas-fir (619 KB)
Lebow, P., Rammer, D., Soltis, L., (1996). "Experimental shear strength of unchecked solid-sawn Douglas-fir," FPL-RP-553 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Stressed Log Bridges
Bakht, B., Bolshakova, T., Maheu, J., (1996). "Stressed Log Bridges," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 23:02, 490-501, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Downsview, Ontario.
Applications in Prestressed Wood
Taylor, R., (1987). "Applications in Prestressed Wood," SRR-87-07 Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Downsview, Ontario.
Structural Engineering in the 21st Century
(1999). "Structural Engineering in the 21st Century," Structures Congress 1999 1-1132, ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Portable Glulam Timber Bridge Systems (339 KB)
Keliher, K., Ritter, M., Taylor, S., Thompson, J., (1996). "Portable Glulam Timber Bridge Systems," Proceedings of the international wood engineering conference, Vol. 2, 368-375, Civil/Environmental E. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Analytical modeling and preprocessor development of stress-laminated timber deck bridges
Jain, S., (2000). "Analytical modeling and preprocessor development of stress-laminated timber deck bridges," 1-123, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Shear strength of unchecked glued-laminated beams
Rammer, D., Soltis, L., (1994). "Shear strength of unchecked glued-laminated beams," Forest Products Journal, 44(1), 51-57.
Water Repellents and Water-Repellent Preservatives for Wood
Feist, W., Williams, R., (1999). "Water Repellents and Water-Repellent Preservatives for Wood," FPL-GTR-109 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Extending the Service Life of Timber Bridges with Preservatives
Crawford, D., Wacker, J., (2003). "Extending the Service Life of Timber Bridges with Preservatives," Proceedings of the 19 th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop: 27-29 October, 2003 Tsukuba, Japan.
Field Performance of New Wood Preservatives in Secondary Timber Species (241 KB)
De Groot, R., Gutting, K., Laks, P., Pickens, J., (1996). "Field Performance of New Wood Preservatives in Secondary Timber Species," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 389-400, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Nondestructive evaluation of green lumber using stress wave and transverse vibration techniques
Bidigalu, G., GangaRao, H., Halabe, U., Ross, R., (1996). "Nondestructive evaluation of green lumber using stress wave and transverse vibration techniques," Proceedings, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 15, 1891-1894, Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Crossings, Issue 18 (4 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1995). "Crossings, Issue 18," 18 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Guardrail-Bridge Rail Transition Designs, Vol. I: Research Report
Bronstad, M., Calcote, L., Mayer, Jr., J., Ray, M., (1988). "Guardrail-Bridge Rail Transition Designs, Vol. I: Research Report," FHWA-RD-86-178, 1-168, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA.
Simplified design procedure for glued-laminated bridge decks (154 KB)
McCutcheon, W., Tuomi, R., (1974). "Simplified design procedure for glued-laminated bridge decks," FPL-RP-233 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Deadman Anchoring Guide
Prellwitz, R., (1980). "Deadman Anchoring Guide," ETR-7100-7 USDA, Forest Service, Washington, DC.
Strength and stiffness of reinforced Yellow-Poplar glued laminated beams
Davalos, J., Hernandez, R., Kim, Y., Moody, R., Sonti, S., (1997). "Strength and stiffness of reinforced Yellow-Poplar glued laminated beams," FPL-RP-554 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Manual of Bridge Design Practice
State of California Highway Transportation Agency, (1963). "Manual of Bridge Design Practice," State of California, Highway Transportation Agency, Highway Div, Bridge Dpt, California.
Field performance of U.S. stress- laminated wood bridges
Oliva, M., Ritter, M., (1990). "Field performance of U.S. stress- laminated wood bridges," Proceedings of the 1990 international timber engineering conference; 1990 October 23-25; Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 2, 564-569, International Timber Engineering Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Performance of Portable T-Section Glulam Timber Bridges (230 KB)
Franklin, R., Morgan, P., Ritter, M., Taylor, S., (1997). "Performance of Portable T-Section Glulam Timber Bridges," 1997 ASAE Annual International Meeting Minneapolis, MN.
Field Treatment Systems for Protecting Bridge Members
De Groot, R., Love, C., Morrell, J., Silva, A., (1998). "Field Treatment Systems for Protecting Bridge Members," FP-93-2024 Oregon State University, Dept. of Forest Products, Corvallis, OR.
Holzbrucken fur Feld – und Waldstrassen Die QS-Holzplattenbruke
Gehri, E., (1985). "Holzbrucken fur Feld – und Waldstrassen Die QS-Holzplattenbruke," Switzerland.
Lee, P., Ritter, M., Tice, E., (1996). "Eastern Cottonwood Stress-Laminated Timber Bridges: Enhancing Rural America with Underutilized Species," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 104-113, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Huntsman Road Bridge, Richland County, Ohio (186 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (1998). "Huntsman Road Bridge, Richland County, Ohio."
Crossings, Issue 38 (166 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (2000). "Crossings, Issue 38," 38 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-Built Records of Historic Covered Bridges (1 MB)
Brashaw, B., Ross, R., (2009). "Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-Built Records of Historic Covered Bridges," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Wood preservation — Preservative treatment for hardwood glued-laminated bridges (140 KB)
Baileys, R., Blankenhorn, P., Janowiak, J., Labosky Jr., P., Manbeck, H., Webb, D., (1996). "Wood preservation — Preservative treatment for hardwood glued-laminated bridges," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 261-269, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 20. Gray Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge (550 KB)
Altimore, F., Caccese, V., Dagher, H., Ritter, M., (2001). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 20. Gray Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge," FPL-RP-592 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Conventional lumber decking: Effect of board sizes (143 KB)
Mtenga, P., (1996). "Conventional lumber decking: Effect of board sizes," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 239-244, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Advanced Bridge Inspection Methods: Applications and Guidelines
Singh, G., (1989). "Advanced Bridge Inspection Methods: Applications and Guidelines," TS-89-017, 1-106, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA.
Ultrasonic Inspection of Large Bridge Timbers (400 KB)
Emerson, R., Fridley, K., McLean, D., Pellerin, R., Pollock, D., Ross, R., (2002). "Ultrasonic Inspection of Large Bridge Timbers," Forest Products Journal, 52(9), 35-46, Forest Products Society.
Pennsylvania Hardwood Timber Bridges: Field Performance After 10 Years
Calil, Jr., C., Wacker, J., (2004). "Pennsylvania Hardwood Timber Bridges: Field Performance After 10 Years," Proceedings of the 2004 NDE/NDT for Highways and Bridges Conference Columbus, OH: Society of Nondestructive Testing, Buffalo, NY.
Crossings, Issue 9 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1992). "Crossings, Issue 9," 9 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Modern Timber Bridges of West Virginia, Volume II
Dickson, B., (1995). "Modern Timber Bridges of West Virginia, Volume II," 1-29, 1-53, USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, WV.
Timber bridge evaluation: A global nondestructive approach using impact generated FRFs (244 KB)
Erickson, J., Evensen, H., Forsman, J., Ligon, J., Morison, G., Ross, R., Van Karsen, C., (2002). "Timber bridge evaluation: A global nondestructive approach using impact generated FRFs," Proceedings, 20th International Modal Analysis Conference 1567-1573.
Wood in Transportation Program, technology transfer efforts (52 KB)
Cesa, E., Russell, K., (1996). "Wood in Transportation Program, technology transfer efforts," National conference on wood transportation structures, FPL-GTR-94, 340-343, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Innovations in glulam timber bridge design (27 KB)
Moody, R., Ritter, M., Williamson, T., (1994). "Innovations in glulam timber bridge design," Structures Congress 1994: Structures Congress 12: Proceedings of papers presented at the structures congress '94; 1994 April 24-28; Atlanta, GA, Vol. 2, 1298-1303, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
Railing systems for use on timber deck bridges (293 KB)
Duwadi, S., Faller, R., Ritter, M., Rosson, B., (1999). "Railing systems for use on timber deck bridges," Transportation Research Record 1656, Paper No. 99-1027, 110-119, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Creosote Retention Levels of Timber Highway Bridge Superstructures in Michigan (2 MB)
Crawford, D., Ericksson, M., Wacker, J., (2003). "Creosote Retention Levels of Timber Highway Bridge Superstructures in Michigan," FPL-RN-289 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Wood Bridges in New England (37 KB)
Ritter, M., Stanfill-McMillan, K., (1995). "Wood Bridges in New England," Structures Congress 1995: Restructuring: America and beyond: Proceedings of Structures Congress 13; 1995 April 2- 5; Boston, MA, Vol. 1, 1081-1084, ASCE - American Soceity of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
High Point Road Timber Bridge, Bay County, Florida (165 KB)
National Wood in Transportation Program, (2001). "High Point Road Timber Bridge, Bay County, Florida."
Crossings, Issue 32 (138 KB)
Forest Products Lab, (1998). "Crossings, Issue 32," 32 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Evans, J., Gorman, T., Green, W., Hatfield, C., Murphy, J., (2005). "Mechanical Grading of 6-Inch-Diameter Lodgepole Pine Logs for the Travelers’ Rest and Rattlesnake Creek Bridges," FPL-RN-297 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Stress-Laminated Highway Bridges Constructed with Glued Laminated Timber
Wacker, J., (2004). "Field Performance of Stress-Laminated Highway Bridges Constructed with Glued Laminated Timber," Structures Congress 2004: Proceedings of the 2004 ASCE Structures Congress Nashville, TN.
Crossings, Issue 3 (3 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (1991). "Crossings, Issue 3," 3 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Behavior of metal-plate connected joints in creosote treated wood: a pilot study
Krahn, L., McCarthy, M., Oliva, M., Ritter, M., (1988). "Behavior of metal-plate connected joints in creosote treated wood: a pilot study," Forest Products Journal, 38(7/8), 76-80, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 4. Graves Crossing Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge (2 MB)
Ritter, M., Wacker, J., (1995). "Field Performance of Timber Bridges: 4. Graves Crossing Stress-Laminated Deck Bridge," FPL-RP-539 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field evaluations of prestress forces in post- tensioned rods using the dynamic characterization method
Chen, H., GangaRao, H., He, Y., Ross, R., (1994). "Field evaluations of prestress forces in post- tensioned rods using the dynamic characterization method," Proceedings, Structural Materials Technology, An NDT Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, Feb 23-25.
Bridge Maintenance Training Manual
Wilbur Smith Associates, (1994). "Bridge Maintenance Training Manual," FHWA-HI-94-034, I1 - XV36, FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Methods and Equipment for Wood Transportation Structures
Emerson, R., Fridley, K., McLean, D., Peterson, S., Pollock, D., (2000). "Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Methods and Equipment for Wood Transportation Structures," Project No. 96-RJVA-2825 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Condition Assessment of In-Service Wood in Bridges and Structures by NIR Spectroscopy (370 KB)
Rammer, D., (2005). "Condition Assessment of In-Service Wood in Bridges and Structures by NIR Spectroscopy," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Field performance of timber bridges: 6. Hoffman Run stress-laminated deck bridge (2 MB)
Lee, P., Porter, G., Ritter, M., (1996). "Field performance of timber bridges: 6. Hoffman Run stress-laminated deck bridge," FPL-RP-549 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Tropical Timbers of the World
Chudnoff, M., (1980). "Tropical Timbers of the World," 1-826, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Crash System Development and Testing of Round Guardrail Posts (353 KB)
Kretschmann, D., (2005). "Crash System Development and Testing of Round Guardrail Posts," USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Timber Bridge Economics (2 MB)
Forest Products Lab, (2001). "Timber Bridge Economics," FPL-RP-593 USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI.
Red Maple stress-graded lumber from factory-grade logs
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Piling Inspectors’ Checklist
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Load and resistance factor design code for wood bridges (177 KB)
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Stress Laminated Metal Plate Connected Truss Bridges
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T-Section Glulam Timber Bridge Modules: Modeling and Performance (171 KB)
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Timber bridge research by the US Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
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Michigan Vehicular Timber Bridge Commercialization Project (441 KB)
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Crossings, Issue 31 (57 KB)
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Maintaining Wood Highway Structures/Timber Bridges Maintenance and Inspection Manual
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Investigation of Glulam Girder Bridges with Composite Concrete Decks (267 KB)
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Development of a Smart Timber Bridge – Moisture Sensor Investigation for Historic Covered Bridges (301 KB)
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Design and Construction of the Pochuck Quagmire Bridge – A Suspension Timber Bridge (40 MB)
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Public Roads Magazine November/December 2003
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Glue-Laminated Timber: Stress-Lam Decks
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Glue-Laminated Timber: Longitudinal Decks
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Glue-Laminated Timber Stringer Bridges
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Development of a Security Manual for Historic Covered Bridges
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Modern Timber Bridges: An Attractive Option
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